Mark Bishop

Analytical Chemistry and

Signal Acquisition/Analysis

Alkyl Halides


From Alcohols

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Halogenation of hydrocarbons

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Addition of hydrogen halides to alkenes

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Addition of halogens to alkenes and alkynes

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Halide exchange

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Nucleophilic substitution (SN)

The halide ion is a very weak base. Halogen is easily displaced in alkyl halides by stronger bases (nucleophiles). Thus halogens are good leaving groups. The nucleophillic substitution reactions shown below also apply to other good leaving groups such as aryl sulfonates.

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                  image not available(Friedel Crafts reaction)

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                   image not available(Acetoacetic ester synthesis)

Dehydrohalogenation (elimination E)

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Preparation of Grignard reagent

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