Mark Bishop

Analytical Chemistry and

Signal Acquisition/Analysis



Reduction of nitro compounds

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usually aryl but can be alkyl

Reaction of halides with ammonia or amines

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R alkyl or aryl with electron withdrawing groups

Reductive amination

A variety of systems are used here including H2/Ni.

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Reduction of nitriles

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Hoffman degradation of amides

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R alkyl or aryl



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Also quaternary ammonium salt formation

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Conversion into amides (primary and secondary amines)

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Conversion into sulfonamides (primary and secondary amines)

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Hoffmann elimination from quaternary ammonium salts

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Reactions with nitrous acid

Diazonium salt formation

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(alkyl amines form unstable products)

N-Nitrosoamine formation

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p-Nitroso compound formation

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Reactions of Diazonium salts

Sandmeyer Reaction

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Replacement by -I

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Replacement by -OH

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Replacement by -F

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Coupling to form azo compounds

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Replacement by -H

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ID may be exposed